CPU code
CPU code is still the reference code (double precision). Also for non periodic system (small/single molecule) you should use CPU code as the tinker9 GPU code only works on PBC boxes. You can use openmp-threads to set multiple CPUs to speed up. The tutorial Tutorial:tinkertut still applies.
User Guide
User guide
You can add the following to your path to use tinker commands (e.g. minimize.x, dynamic.x):
/home/liuchw/Softwares/tinkers/Tinker-latest/source-C8/ /home/liuchw/Softwares/tinkers/Tinker8/2205/source /home/liuchw/Softwares/tinkers/Tinker9/2204/source (this GPU)
Download and compile source
For Tinker CPU code, download from GitHub: (git clone recommended)
Then follow the compilation instructions below
Compiling tinker 8 with OpenMP
1. Set up gcc/gfortran or intel ifort v12 or above compiler (set this up in .bashrc or .cshrc). If use intel, for csh add this line is .cshrc and source it
source /opt/intel/composer_xe_2013.2.146/bin/compilervars.csh intel64
Or .bashrc if you use bash:
source /opt/intel/composer_xe_2013.2.146/bin/ intel64
Intel compiled programs perform better than GNU-compiled ones on multiple intel CPU cores.
2. Compile fftw by following 0README in tinker/fftw/. Use gcc and gfortran or icc and ifort.
3. Compile executables under tinker/source/
You may use the compile.make, library.make and link.make in tinker/linux or tinker/macosx. Copy these 3 files into tinker/source and extecute the 3 on that folder seuqentially. You may need to change the options in the .make files if you have trouble.
You may also use the Makefile provided in tinker/make/
cd tinker/source cp /tinker/make/Makefile tinker/source
Modify the top part of Makefile and compiler section (see below).
make -j 6 all If you modified Tinker source files, you may also need to update the dependency at the bottom of makefile by running depend.make in source
In the Makefile, define the TINKERDIR and FFTWDIR on the top properly.
F77 = gfortran F77FLAGS = -c OPTFLAGS = -O3 -ffast-math -fopenmp LIBDIR = -L. -L$(TINKER_LIBDIR)/linux LIBS = LIBFLAGS = -crusv RANLIB = ranlib LINKFLAGS = $(OPTFLAGS) -static-libgcc RENAME = rename_bin
Or this if you use intel:
F77 = ifort F77FLAGS = -c -xHost OPTFLAGS = -O3 -no-ipo -no-prec-div -recursive -openmp LIBDIR = -L. -L$(TINKER_LIBDIR)/linux LIBS = -L$(TINKERDIR)/fftw/lib -lfftw3_threads -lfftw3 LIBFLAGS = -crusv RANLIB = echo LINKFLAGS = $(OPTFLAGS) -static-libgcc -static-intel RENAME = rename_bin
You can also use intel mkl instead of the fftw library above. In Makefile make the following changes (/home/pren/tinker6/source-2014-xz-node/Makefile). You also need to remove any "$(TINKER)/fftw/lib" in the Makefile
F77 = ifort LIBS = -L/opt/intel/composer_xe_2013/mkl/lib/intel64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core F77FLAGS = -c -xHost -assume cc_omp OPTFLAGS = -O3 -no-ipo -no-prec-div -openmp LIBFLAGS = -crusv LINKFLAGS = $(OPTFLAGS)
Tinker on Windows
You may also compile Tinker for Windows Subsystem for Linux (you need to enable this Windows feature and then install ubuntu)
The process is almost the same as a normal Linux machine. 1. preparation
#update apt-get sudo apt-get update
#install gfortran sudo apt-get install gfortran
#check gfortran which gfortran #/usr/bin/gfortran
#check version gfortran -v #7.5.0
#install texinfo sudo apt-get install texinfo
#check which makeinfo #/usr/bin/makeinfo#
2. Compiling FFTW
# change into fftw folder cd fftw
- read and gollow README file
#configure ./configure --prefix=/your/prefix/location --enable-openmp --enable-threads
#make && make install make -j 8 && make install
#check the $FFTW/lib directory for the existence of the following libfftw3.a libfftw3_omp.a libfftw3_threads.a
3. compiling Tinker cd ./source
#cop Makefile from tinker/make to tinker/source
#edit Makefile; FFTWDIR should be your prefix in FFTW configuration; use the gfortran block settings FFTWDIR = /mnt/c/Users/cheng/Softwares/FFTW/
#make && make install make -j 8 && make install
#check the existence of *.x files
Tinker with APBS
Notes created by Rae Corrigan (2020)